Tag Archives: activities

Building Experiences

As I transitioned out of my role as Program Director at Computers4Kids, I wanted to make sure that I didn’t lose contact with a number of students who I had formed especially close relationships. I had a group of them out to my house on Sunday to “build stuff” as they requested. I provided ingredients for lunch, computers for looking up plans, lumber and simple building tools. Fatuma, college freshman, was our documentarian. Her words and pictures are below.

Fatuma was trying to make this small beautiful doll house, but it kinda didn't work out, so instead she making a bird house:)

Fatuma was trying to make this small beautiful doll house, but it kinda didn’t work out, so instead she is making a bird house. 🙂

July is look for bird house design on the web! P.s the bird house she made was amazing! The little birds will love it!

July is looking for bird house design on the web! P.S. the bird house she made was amazing! The little birds will love it!

Fatuma trying to get started with her beautiful bird house, there were time when she really wanted to give up but Miss Dolly kept on motivating her :)!

Fatuma trying to get started with her beautiful bird house. There were times when she really wanted to give up but Miss Dolly kept on motivating her! 🙂

July plan for the bird

July plan for the bird

Miss Dolly helping july with her bird house plan! If it weren't for Miss Dolly, nothing would have went right! Thanks Miss Dolly, we love you

Miss Dolly helping July with her bird house plan! If it wasn’t for Miss Dolly, nothing would have gone right! Thanks Miss Dolly, we love you!

This is now what I call girl power! Fatuma helping july saw her wood for the bird house!

This is what I call girl power! Fatuma helping July saw her wood for the bird house!

Now this is what I call a amazing teamwork! July helping Zarny with the Dremel to help it curve better!

Now this is what I call a amazing teamwork! July helping Zarny with the dremel tool to help it carve better!

This is another amazing teamwork! Htoogaye help Abass saw the wood!

This is another amazing teamwork! Htoogay helps Abass saw the wood!

Htoogaye love her stick figures! She is using the slate rocks! This is beautiful!  H +A=♡

Htoogay loves her stick figures! She is carving the slate! This is beautiful! H +A=♡

July and Htoogaye showing Abass how to saw the wood! Girl power!

July and Htoogay showing Abass how to saw the wood! Girl power!

Zarny slicing the chicken apart! P.s he slice ot first and than he asked if he should all cena the chicken into pieces lol

Zarny slicing the chicken apart! P.S. he sliced it first and than he asked if he should all cut the chicken into pieces! lol!

Yummy, Zarny cooking the world best grill cheese sandwich on the wood-burning stove! I was very delicious

Yummy yummy ! Everyone enjoyed It! They were the best :)

Yummy yummy ! Everyone enjoyed It! They were the best 🙂

Zarny is cooking for again and he is putting wood in the stove to keep the fire going! This chicken was yummy I love it! If I was a judge I would have selected Zarny and the stove for the world best cookers

Zarny is cooking for us again and he is putting wood in the stove to keep the fire going! This chicken was yummy I love it! If I was a judge I would have selected Zarny and the stove for the world’s best cookers!

The was a very unique idea! Zarny made this with a slate rock! It looks like our beautiful home Virginia!

The was a very unique idea! Zarny made this with slate! It looks like our beautiful home Virginia!

This is very beautiful and loving!  Zarny made this piece for July!

This is very beautiful and loving! Zarny made this piece for July!

This is the world's best bird house! It's so delightful and welcoming! The bird will surely love it:) -Made by July Paw

This is the world’s best bird house! It’s so delightful and welcoming! The bird will surely love it:)
-Made by July Paw

A frog, an iPod, and misplaced skills

I love this video. It’s funny and unexpected, but it also can inspire some thought about the intersection between mobile learning, training and authentic tasks (no, really!).

Mastery Learning is Transferable

That frog is really good at that game. Is anyone surprised? That’s what frogs do.  The main knowledge transfer is from operating in 3D world to a 2D representation on a screen, but the game still exploits the frog’s rapid reflexes and tongue/eye coordination.

Platforms Change, Skills Remain the Same

The frog doesn’t care if that’s an iPhone or an HTC or a real-life fly. Its scanned the movement and the shape and wants to perform. Design for the task, not for the platform or the OS.

Without Satisfaction, Frustration Reigns

Finally the frog attacks the one 3D object that it can. It’s been denied a tasty treat multiple times when all of its experience tells it that that it should be eating a bug– not just a tidbit, but a critical part of its sustenance. As it fails to get its reward, its body language demonstrates greater urgency.

What are our lessons as designers here?

  1. Know what compels our learners — design activities that speak to their desires and strengths. 
  2. Design platform- and device-agnostically– Exploit what makes them unique– touch screens, for example, but make sure that activities are high quality.
  3. Reward with authentic returns. Virtual awards won’t satisfy everyone, or at least not frogs.