Monthly Archives: July 2023

Study group reflections

Study group was lovely last night. I’ve been thinking about how we build sustaining and sustainable worlds and magic. I love that coming together under the grape arbor feels comfortable, familiar, and easy (in some ways). I love that new people feel comfortable coming into our space. And it’s OUR space. I’ve been organizing it and thinking about the ingredients for a while, but I am ready to have more of you to feel more stewardship of the communal space. What do I even mean? I’m using the same plates each week. They don’t live in a cupboard. Some of y’all know where the forks live. The glasses are often still out from the previous week. All that stuff could be put into place without much direction from me. 

Study group feels better when people are engaging their hands and not just their mouths. Making sure that the copious art supplies are taken out and put away can be a shared task. (Here’s a secret: molly organized the art room. I actually don’t know where and what everything is, I’m happy to learn together).

 As I try to learn how to share leadership better, I want to say that it’s not magic that there aren’t (more) weeds or debris in the gravel. There’s a lot of maintenance to create this space that we love and need. And it’s not that I’m trying to ask you in a way that you can’t. I already see people carpooling and arranging rides, carrying dishes, and putting away things. I see the rituals of greetings, settling in, and departing from one another. I  I know that you’re coming from your own intense jobs and lives. I don’t want study group to be a burden for you to come to. And I often don’t know how to ask for help, especially when people are trying to be helpful at the last minute, and haven’t thought through what tasks they could already do without asking me. And study group and the compound should be an oasis of peace for each of you and your loved ones. I literally see y’all come in stressed and leave refreshed. I don’t want to change any of that.  How do we model balance between rest and responsibilities? What rituals do we create to honor spaces and the work done to make them? 

All this is said in spirit of modeling and learning to be better together. 

from Julie:

Hi, all!

I chatted with Dolly recently about all sort of things, and it’s obvious that she’s a bit exhausted by all that she’s handling these days Community needs are big right now, for sure. I know that Study Group is a special place for all of us, and really don’t want to see it become a burden for Dolly. I told her I’d write everyone, using my bossy middle-school-teacher skills, to see if we could help out in a more organized fashion. 

These are the things that I think need to be covered for study group. If you are a regular, it’d be awesome if you could take on one or more of these tasks, or suggest something if none of these work for you. Please note that if we don’t do these, it will all fall to Dolly. And, I surely do feel more ownership in things when I’m involved in the labor of love! Don’t feel that you need to “sign up” at the moment – you can jump in when you get there or before you leave, depending on that time!

Early tasks (5:15 -5:45 at most)

  • Clearing study group space of debris
  • Bringing down plates/cups/silverware
  • Bringing down food/drinks
  • Bringing out art supplies

Duration tasks (off and on during the study group)

  • Refilling food/drinks
  • Clearing dirty dishes
  • General tidying up as we go

Later tasks (7:15 on)

  • Final dish clearing to the kitchen
  • Trash clean-up
  • Dish-washing
  • Collecting and putting away art supplies

Did I miss anything? Any other suggestions for systems/tasks are welcome! 

Thriving while surviving

Joy Menagerie purposely works towards liberation and healing. Over the past few years connecting with food has been the work we’ve about shared the most. While we’ve been feeding bellies, we’ve also been feeding and fueling mind, soul, and spirit. Sometimes the off-grid support we offer is within the “surviving” mode. Just this week, Dolly and our extended team have offered crisis counseling to people suffering suicidal ideation, dealing with being fired without cause, facing loss of housing, and grieving sudden and traumatic death. The disintegration of our societal safety net means that there’s not a readily available structures to help people navigate these crises. Sure, there’re crisis lines, but they’re anonymous and overworked. Having a known sympathetic ear and connection to networks can be the difference between surviving or falling deeper into financial and emotional despair. Joy Menagerie provides triage support and networking so that our community can survive and begin to thrive. 

There is thriving every week at Joy Menagerie too. We’ve been celebrating college acceptance, straight As, new jobs, and reconnecting with ancestral home places. These surviving and thriving supports interweave. We all are experiencing highs and lows in this time of upheaval. If we don’t acknowledge and celebrate the highs, we can’t survive the lows. If we don’t survive the lows, we can’t thrive and contribute to our community.  We’re normalizing mutual community support.  We openly discuss and dismantle systems of oppression, including racism, white supremacy, and the structural hoarding of resources. 

Surviving is necessary, thriving is joyous. We support both. Your financial support is needed to allow us to thrive in our work. 

Give directly –friend to friend– (not-tax deductible)

Give via Virginia Organizing (tax deductible) 

  • check to Virginia Organizing (memo Joy Menagerie) or
  • via this link.

Announcing Joy Menagerie

We all work here/We all play here/We all live here/We all laugh here

We are excited to announce something new and fresh, yet established and proven. 

Joy Menagerie is the newest iteration of the years-long work we’ve been doing together. 

What is Joy Menagerie? 

Joy Menagerie is a support system for community members to have successful educational, work, and life experiences through goal setting, skill development, mutual support, material assistance, and knowing fun. Joy Menagerie provides a space and resources for individuals to be more ready to do their own community and individual work. It’s a non-judgmental space for good people to figure out how to be even better. 

Why Joy?

Joy creates wellness. Joy is resistance. Joy is reinvigorating. Joy is pure. Joy allows us to be our best selves. 

Why Menagerie?

Because we are a “diverse collection of people” coming together to strengthen one another as we go out and do good in the world. 

Right, but what do you actually do?

We support community through: Events, Food Distribution, and Coaching and Connecting. 

What’s new!What’s established!
Our nameOur varied and successful projects 
Our board officers (Thet, Laura, Jean, and Jackie) and advisory council (Bakar, Batula, Corey, Davina, Dilara, Ellen, Gouzal, Kimani, Micah, Molly, Onaing, Raven, Toni, Valeria)Our years-long collaborations and relationships
Paying Dolly!Dolly’s commitment and service to community

Our goal is to raise $18,450 by August 8, Dolly’s birthday. This will allow Joy Menagerie to sponsor 10 haiku slams in Richmond and Charlottesville ($1000), provide 20 weeks of produce in our 2 neighborhood distributions ($6000), provide stipends to community and board members for their participation ($1050), host 20 study groups ($400), and pay Dolly to facilitate this community work ($10,000) between now and the end of the year. Scores of community members benefit from this web of creative, sustaining work. Please give generously.

Give directly –friend to friend– (not-tax deductible) Venmo @dollyjoseph, PayPal or Zelle or check to Dolly Joseph

Give via Virginia Organizing (tax deductible)  check to Virginia Organizing (memo Joy Menagerie) or via this link.