Category Archives: K12

Building Experiences

As I transitioned out of my role as Program Director at Computers4Kids, I wanted to make sure that I didn’t lose contact with a number of students who I had formed especially close relationships. I had a group of them out to my house on Sunday to “build stuff” as they requested. I provided ingredients for lunch, computers for looking up plans, lumber and simple building tools. Fatuma, college freshman, was our documentarian. Her words and pictures are below.

Fatuma was trying to make this small beautiful doll house, but it kinda didn't work out, so instead she making a bird house:)

Fatuma was trying to make this small beautiful doll house, but it kinda didn’t work out, so instead she is making a bird house. 🙂

July is look for bird house design on the web! P.s the bird house she made was amazing! The little birds will love it!

July is looking for bird house design on the web! P.S. the bird house she made was amazing! The little birds will love it!

Fatuma trying to get started with her beautiful bird house, there were time when she really wanted to give up but Miss Dolly kept on motivating her :)!

Fatuma trying to get started with her beautiful bird house. There were times when she really wanted to give up but Miss Dolly kept on motivating her! 🙂

July plan for the bird

July plan for the bird

Miss Dolly helping july with her bird house plan! If it weren't for Miss Dolly, nothing would have went right! Thanks Miss Dolly, we love you

Miss Dolly helping July with her bird house plan! If it wasn’t for Miss Dolly, nothing would have gone right! Thanks Miss Dolly, we love you!

This is now what I call girl power! Fatuma helping july saw her wood for the bird house!

This is what I call girl power! Fatuma helping July saw her wood for the bird house!

Now this is what I call a amazing teamwork! July helping Zarny with the Dremel to help it curve better!

Now this is what I call a amazing teamwork! July helping Zarny with the dremel tool to help it carve better!

This is another amazing teamwork! Htoogaye help Abass saw the wood!

This is another amazing teamwork! Htoogay helps Abass saw the wood!

Htoogaye love her stick figures! She is using the slate rocks! This is beautiful!  H +A=♡

Htoogay loves her stick figures! She is carving the slate! This is beautiful! H +A=♡

July and Htoogaye showing Abass how to saw the wood! Girl power!

July and Htoogay showing Abass how to saw the wood! Girl power!

Zarny slicing the chicken apart! P.s he slice ot first and than he asked if he should all cena the chicken into pieces lol

Zarny slicing the chicken apart! P.S. he sliced it first and than he asked if he should all cut the chicken into pieces! lol!

Yummy, Zarny cooking the world best grill cheese sandwich on the wood-burning stove! I was very delicious

Yummy yummy ! Everyone enjoyed It! They were the best :)

Yummy yummy ! Everyone enjoyed It! They were the best 🙂

Zarny is cooking for again and he is putting wood in the stove to keep the fire going! This chicken was yummy I love it! If I was a judge I would have selected Zarny and the stove for the world best cookers

Zarny is cooking for us again and he is putting wood in the stove to keep the fire going! This chicken was yummy I love it! If I was a judge I would have selected Zarny and the stove for the world’s best cookers!

The was a very unique idea! Zarny made this with a slate rock! It looks like our beautiful home Virginia!

The was a very unique idea! Zarny made this with slate! It looks like our beautiful home Virginia!

This is very beautiful and loving!  Zarny made this piece for July!

This is very beautiful and loving! Zarny made this piece for July!

This is the world's best bird house! It's so delightful and welcoming! The bird will surely love it:) -Made by July Paw

This is the world’s best bird house! It’s so delightful and welcoming! The bird will surely love it:)
-Made by July Paw

Unplug the Games: The value of human to human play

This summer we’re teaching a series of optional free camps at Computers4Kids. The goal is to provide a fun and engaging experience, but also introduce concepts that might pique the students’ interest. Last week I observed a phenomena that I had noticed before — a definite lack in students’ problem-solving skills. This wasn’t in an unfamiliar content area, but a simple game of 20 questions where the items were familiar animals, foods and objects. It was hard to watch the student stymied by the task. He wasn’t able to construct questions, even with prompts, that would lead to him guessing his hidden animal. He seemed frustrated and embarrassed, but other students lent him support and he was able to succeed eventually. This game that seemed so familiar to me and most of the students was clearly foreign to him.

Observing this interchange made me think about how important games are to children’s development of problem-solving and critical thinking skills. How many hours of my childhood  journeys were occupied with searching for objects that started with certain letters or fit into different categories, guessing a word, or out-spelling the driver? Thinking about strategy, getting tricky, and being clever were all skills that offered gratification and reward. Successful thinking was play and fun. It was valued.

Certainly many of these experiences can be duplicated on smartphones. There are plenty of free or cheap apps with guessing games built in, some lacking a few key components:

  1. An authentic feedback loop. It’s more gratifying to hear a peer or adult congratulate you for fresh thinking or more efficient guessing than canned computer feedback, no matter how intelligent the system is.
  2. Evolution of gameplay. When you’ve planned the same game mile after mile, you begin to shift the rules and boundaries to keep the gameplay challenging and new. The negotiation of the rules to keep play fun, challenging, or to make it appropriate for different levels of players is a critical skill for young players.
  3. Reading the opponent. When people play games against one another, they observe the strengths and weaknesses of the other’s play. Predicting a player’s next steps is often crucial in competitive games. Being able to parse the psychology of a colleague is a valued skilled in real life.
  4. Spontaneity. Humans almost always bring a sense of unpredictability to gameplay. While a computer algorithm can be analyzed and predicted, humans tend to ignore logical steps and respond “irrationally”; sometimes a perceived “losing” move is a strategically savvy one. Many computer programs aren’t equipped to play the long game.

Certainly I don’t disdain computer games and apps completely. I can’t stop playing a Tetris clone on my phone, but I see that games still need to come out of the digital sphere and into our human one. Sitting in the backseat affixed to the smartphone is no substitute for playing a game of I Spy out the window. Just because an activity is lo-fi, doesn’t mean that it’s not valuable.

Serving your Learner

My natural inclination is to design for the imagination. I’ve long believed that if you give students the best tools to create with, that they then can transfer that knowledge to other applications. By the end of my time at the k-8 school, where I taught the same students for 3 consecutive years, I had 3rd grade students creating Flash animations and writing action-scripting. To me this was a major accomplishment, indicative of incredible potential for these students to become producers of multimedia, interactive projects. Every year, however, the complaint was that the students weren’t learning how to format papers in Word. The parents saw computer class as a support to the other academic classes, not as a curriculum in its own right.

Now that I am working with students who have been traditionally under-served, I wonder about my own obligations to provide opportunities for academic success. Should this curriculum emphasize more immediate academic skills, formatting papers, learning powerpoint? Or should I emphasize their personal expression and storytelling through exposure to professional graphics, audio and video software applications.

I already know where I stand on this. I am still in touch with the majority of my inspirational art teachers. I learned more about how to present myself professionally from them than any of my drudgerous academic classes. I don’t know if I can inspire disaffected students with any software app, but I feel that it’s more likely in Alice, than it is with Excel.

Games4Change Festival–Quick Thoughts

This post originally appeared in The Total Learner Experience in May 2010.

I’m attending the Game4Change Festival in NYC for the first time this year. I might do a bit more formal commenting in later posts, but these are a few of the thoughts that keep coming up:

1) STEM– everybody kept talking about STEM content (science, technology, engineering and math) but I always wonder if STEM content in games is accurate and/or complex enough. I don’t know what the answer is to the balance of engagement and science content, but the brief glances I took at some games were encouraging.

2) What is the role of facilitators and teachers for these games? I am not sure that higher level learning outcomes happen for the majority of learners/players without some guided instruction. I know that some choose to become engrossed in this worlds, but the vast majority do not. Also, who will be pushing kids to these worlds. It seems like you will need lots of engaged ambassadors helping get the word out and getting the kids initially turned onto these games.

3) “Everyone”– People kept saying that everyone plays games. There was a good bit of homogeneity to the crowd. Mostly young, male, and white, with a few Indians and women. This was a laptop-carrying crowd, and while access was mentioned during the education days, it wasn’t so much yesterday during the main session. While I spoke with some practitioners who seemed to get it, a lot of the comments I heard tended to assume technological prowess.

By far, the getting kids involved with social games– as both creators and players– was the best takeaway I had from this conference. It reaffirmed and rekindled my belief in the power of kids doing.