Joy Menagerie

What is Joy Menagerie? 

Joy Menagerie is a support system for community members to have successful educational, work, and life experiences through goal setting, skill development, mutual support, material assistance, and knowing fun. Joy Menagerie provides a space and resources for individuals to be more ready to do their own community and individual work. It’s a non-judgmental space for good people to figure out how to be even better. 

Why Joy?

Joy creates wellness. Joy is resistance. Joy is reinvigorating. Joy is pure. Joy allows us to be our best selves. 

Why Menagerie?

Because we are a “diverse collection of people” coming together to strengthen one another as we go out and do good in the world. 

Right, but what do you actually do?

We support community through: Events, Food Distribution, and Coaching and Connecting. 

Below are various writings related to our doings.

  • Fundraising for Food for the Last Quarter of the Year

    Hi all,  I hope you’re okay enough. I don’t even have words for the last 6 months.  TL;DR: We can feed 25 families organic produce and eggs for 5 weeks for  $1552.50. venmo me @dollyjoseph or  I can say that the weekly highlight for me has been picking up and distributing food that our community has come together…

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