Identifying Non-Monetary Resources and Wealth

One of the ways that people with greater privilege distance themselves from accountability in injustice is to focus on their personal financial instability in this Capitalist society. It’s true that the system is broken, and many of feel stressed and strapped. However, many of us are also doing substantially better than people in poverty. Black people living in poverty deal with the intersection of racial discrimination and economic hardship. Many people do not feel financially stable, yet have unrecognized resources that allow them to access food, shelter, and security. Because of our class segregation in this culture, affluent people do not recognize the barriers that lack of economic access creates. It is HARD to survive our system without these resources that we may take for granted.

Access to these resources means that we can both extend the use of the resource to Black, Brown and Indigeneous People, and use it to subvert and smash the status quo.

Here are some examples of resources that you may have and not recognize. You may have other resources not listed. These resources are not a given for many people, especially Black, Brown, and Indigeneous People. Imagine the barriers that would you would face if you did not have ready access to some of these assumed resources. This list is based upon professional class norms. Use your own life and experiences to generate your own resource list.

Working/maintained car
Health Insurance
Working Internet
iPhone and plan
Salaried Job
Ability to set/negotiate work schedule
Paid Leave

Government Issued ID
Tax returns
Family-owned House(s)
Clean air/water/earth due to location of manufacturing plants, waste sites
Legacy at college
Membership in Associations, Fraternal Order, Clubs
Credit Score
Credit Card
Credit History
Bank Account(s)
Able to pay and be reimbursed
Discretionary money
Rich relatives


“Normative” Behavior of restaurants

Family photos
Family tree
Family story
Common name
Get through airport security easily

Space to grow garden
Ability to be in nature
Distant neighbors
Own room
Literacy– high grade level reading
Navigation of internet resources
Access to power/management structures

Consent for Non-Intimate Relationships and in Anti-Racist Work

I was looking to find a quick article to link to about consent, but pretty much all of them had to do with sex, so I am writing quickly, and may need to revise. Tell me what is unclear or wrong. Consent and its complement, setting of boundaries, is critical in healthy relationships. White Supremacy, Exploitation, and Racism thrives when we ignore boundaries, and ignore the concept of consent. We ask consent of people we perceive to be equal and important to us. We fail to ask consent when we lack respect for another person’s humanity. Practicing consent is critical for dismantling the interpersonal structures that underly racism.

Asking for consent in practice:

  • Ask before tagging a person in photos or your posts. Identifying people in photographs can endanger all aspects of their life. Tagging someone in a post puts them on the spot, may tokenize them, and require them to take on the emotional labor of reading and/or responding to content that is triggering/traumatic
  • Check in regularly during and between conversations with friends about whether it’s okay to have potentially triggering conversations. If they say it’s not, respect that boundary, and find another outlet for that processing. Don’t make their boundary about you. They may be tired. They may have limited time. It may not feel good to them.
  • Offer, don’t insist. If you want to do something with/for someone, ask if they want that good, service, connect, amplification, whatever. There are many reasons why people may not want something, and it may be out of your experience why they would not. Don’t make your desire to gift become a burden.

If you have racial privilege, you must understand that Black People in America are NOT SAFE. You will not receive and do not deserve trust or consent if you do not center the preservation of Black Life, including their emotional, psychological, financial, and physical health. It is not your job to become a paternalistic protector of Black Lives. It is your work to create space for Black People to have autonomy and self-determination. Black People know best how to preserve Black Life. Those of us who are not Black have the duty to support access to the resources to preserve that life.

This work would not be possible without Toni Barskile.

Fundraising for Donor Diapers

We’re fundraising $3000 for Donor Diapers before their next diaper giveaway on May 17. My former student Marissa Turner-Harris is the founder and driving force behind Donor Diapers. The mission of Donor Diapers is to supply families with free diapering supplies. Each month they distribute free diaper kits to families in the Charlottesville area. Each kit has 45 age/size appropriate diapers and wipes. Each kit can last about 2-3 weeks, greatly relieving the financial strain for the family. Each family can get a kit for each child in their household; other services will only supply one child per family. Donor Diapers serves 75 families each month– about 100 children. The support that they provide make a huge difference in the financial and health prospects of each family.

Venmo: Tzars_Mommy
Cashapp: $TzarsMommy
Zelle: mtharris434@GMAIL.COM
Mail Check to Marissa Turner-Harris 402F Garrett St Cville VA 22902 — Make check to Virginia Organizing with “Donor Diapers” in the memo line.
Donor Diapers also accepts diapering supplies. Call 434-214-0345 or email to arrange pick up/delivery.
On Facebook:

Marissa and I met almost 12 years ago when she was in high school. Marissa is a funny, smart, driven young woman. Marissa joined CLAW and wrestled as “Handy Mandy” and the “Diaper Lady” with a natural stage presence and ribald, naught humor. Marissa is always juggling, always hustling. As I was thinking about the past few months and what’s she’s being doing– she’s been doing Donor Diapers, taking the CIC class, had fundraised for her trip to Winneba with our sister-city program, parenting Tzar, and partnering with Tevin. Then I remembered!! Marissa had heart surgery this spring!! She’s crazy busy, crazy inspiring, crazy excellent. Please support this amazing specimen of humanity.

BellAir Goal met

Dear Donor to Bellair Farm CSA community share, 
Thank you SO much for your support of this project. In less than 4 weeks, we (61 donors!)  were able to raise close to $7000 for 22 weeks of produce for 20 families. (If you anticipate a tax receipt, look for the bold below.) This project created hope and structure for me during these weeks of incredible change. I’m moved by the generosity and trust of our community. This project encapsulated so many of principles by which I organize. 
  • Supporting and Building Community– This came from a conversation from Michele at Bellair, just checking in how she was doing and what needs she and the farm had during this challenging year. I’ve known Michelle for a while at a distance– now she joins the growing list of people with whom I work with. Each of you have built community with me by trusting that I will be a responsible steward of your financial gift. I am excited by the further building of community that will happen as I and others coordinate and distribute the weekly share. Working outside of a nonprofit structure (mostly– see more below)– we can work without titles or tax status. We can see a need, and work toward a solution. Nonprofit structures require boards for governance and accountability. I rely on you and our community to hold me honest and accountable. Anti-Racist Principles of Reparations and Redistribution of Wealth– While not all of our donors are white, the majority of resources (land, formalized power, housing, money, food access, transportation access) in Central Virginia remain held and controlled by white people. The families that receive the weekly shares will be Black and Brown people for the purpose of sharing the wealth that many of us enjoy in local, organic food from CSAs. This work was not insignificant, but we have much, much further to go in assessing and redistributing the wealth we have access to in equitable ways. I hope that this will be but one step for each of us in investigating the resources that we have access to, and how we might do more to share them recognizing our privileges. Minimizing fees and overhead– By using Venmo and PayPal, we collectively avoided the fees that GoFundMe and other platforms use. Individuals can give up to $10,000 as a gift to another individual annually without the recipient having to pay taxes on the gift. So thank you for contributing to the community gift of produce to families. Mindful use of resources– I believe in seeing and appreciating all resources that our community has. Mindful, generous, and equitable application and management of financial resources is a critical (albeit, but one) part of resource redistribution.  If you are able to file taxes in such a way to itemize charitable deductions, and would therefore like a tax receipt letter of your financial donation, please let me know by responding to this email. I am fortunate to have an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which allows me to accept charitable donations. This terms of this MOU include a 5% administrative fee. Additional funds were raised to cover this anticipated fee, so PLEASE do ask to give through this model if you will likely itemize deductions, but if you won’t itemize deductibles, you don’t need this letter. If you are not sure, wait– we have until the end of the calendar year. 

Thursday Night Community Check Ins

6-7:30 Zoom Call
Beginning Thursday, April 9
A time to connect with community in a supportive and positive way. 
Hosts: Ellen Krag and Dolly Joseph, with support from UVA Student Affairs
Click here to register to receive your zoom information:
Local and National Mental Health Resources

Ellen Krag, LPC, has been working professionally with families and children in crisis for over 20 years, and has extensive grassroots experience connecting community members with appropriate mental health support.

During this community check in Ellen will provide practical tips for calming and grounding to help individuals manage anxiety, stress, and the complex feelings that can result from the effects of COVID-19, social isolation, and our rapidly changing circumstances. 

Ellen will present practical tips to our group, and then call participants will break into “zoom rooms” to participate in small group mutual check-ins, using prompts that emphasize positive coping skills.

Forward this announcement to interested parties who would benefit from this free community opportunity. 

Zoom Meeting Information

You can meet on your computer with or without video. You can meet on your smart phone with the zoom app. You can dial in on your landline or flip phone without video. Long distance charges may apply. 

Local and National Mental Health Resources

Resources that remain available during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic compiled by Ellen Krag, LPC

Local Emergency Resources:

Region Ten CSB Mental Health Emergency Services 434-972-1800

Ready Kids Teen Crisis Line 434-972-7233

SARA (Sexual Assault Resource Agency) 24/7 Hotline 434-977-7273  Email:

Shelter for Help in Emergency 24-hour hotline at (434) 293-8509
Shelter for Help in Emergency remains dedicated to providing emergency services for victims of domestic violence and their children with the priority of maintaining the safety, health and well-being of our community. The Shelter WILL remain open and ready to serve victims during this time of uncertainty.  Our mission to end domestic violence in our community is strong and unwavering. If you or someone you know is in need of services, please call our 24-hour hotline.

Jefferson District Friends of Bill is offering online AA meetings using Zoom.

Help Happens Here 434-227-0641
Local resource connecting people with therapists and services.

Non-Local Resources
Tools to help manage stress and anxiety related to COVID-19

Psychological First Aid

Psychological First Aid (PFA) is an evidence-informed approach that is built on the concept of human resilience. PFA aims to reduce stress symptoms and assist in a healthy recovery following a traumatic event, natural disaster, public health emergency, or even a personal crisis.  This links to more information and the training resources for anyone who is interested in supporting their friends and neighbors.

A collection of resources and information related to COVID-19

For information about how to talk to your child about COVID-19:

The Child Mind Institute offers helpful guidance at:

National Child Traumatic Stress Network guidance:

Just for Kids: A Comic Exploring the New Coronavirus:

Connecting for older adults:

Crisis Hotline Resources:

What to know before calling a crisis hotline

If you feel like you or someone you know is in immediate danger, you should call 911 or go to an emergency room to get immediate help. Explain that it is a psychiatric emergency and ask for someone who is trained for these kinds of situations.

Crisis Text Line — Text Hello to 741741
Crisis Text Line fields messages about suicidal thoughts, abuse, sexual assault, depression, anxiety, bullying and more. What makes it unique is that it’s entirely text-based, which makes it easy for anyone who doesn’t feel comfortable or safe talking on the phone to use it. You can text 741741, or message Crisis Text Line on Facebook for help. You’ll be matched with a volunteer counselor, who is supervised by a licensed, trained mental health professional.

National Suicide Prevention Hotline — 1-800-273-8255
The National Suicide Prevention Hotline fields calls 24/7 for anyone with suicidal thoughts or who are in crisis. They offer help for Spanish-speakers and anyone who is deaf or hard of hearing. Their website also offers many resources to get help for yourself or someone you know.YouthLine — Text teen2teen to 839863, or call 1-877-968-8491
YouthLine provides a safe space for children and adults ages 11 to 21, to talk through any

Feed 20 families for the summer with local produce

Hi friends, 

There is a real need to make sure that our local farmers are able to adjust to these new market conditions so that we can ensure that we continue to have local produce and meat available in our region. 

I am fundraising $7000 to have 20 shares available to local families. Bellair Farm is generously providing these shares at a 50% rate– so we are able to feed one family with local produce for 20 weeks at $344.

This solves an administrative problem for Bellair. I (and some yet to be identified teammates) will distribute the food to the 20 families for the summer, reducing Michelle’s and team’s load as they transition to the new distribution model the coronavirus outbreak requires. 

Within 2 hours of launching of this, enough money has been raised to support one family for the summer. This is a reminder that we do not need committees, or nonprofit status, or bureaucracies to keep our community safe. We simply need trust, a will to action, and a willingness to share our resources. Instead of, or in addition to, please contact me with:

  • Other farms/farmers that have identified needs to be satisfied
  • Suggestions for families that could use and benefit from this produce
  • Questions about how I am selecting families

Thank you very much. Thank you for all that you are doing to keep community safe. 

Community Matters: Clare Terni

Facebook is critically important for how I connect with people who are not in my immediate friend circle. I have a bunch of FB friends that I pay attention to because they are smart, have access to circles that I don’t, and post politically astute information. Clare is one of those friends. We’ve connected over our venn diagram of service work and academia, and apocalypse planning. Clare spoke about her knowledge of the opioid crisis, and harm reduction, specifically Narcan administration. 


  • The opioid crisis hit in Appalachia and inner cities first, it was only when white suburbia started getting sick and dying did it really begin to be treated in the media and in politics. 
  • Clare had a special talking needle that talked the user how to administer. With insurance and prescription, it was free. Without, it was $4000– this is what disparities in access to health care and insurance means. 
  • There was a lot of talk about the comparative stigma around mental health, substance use disorder, and other health issues, like cancer. What are the things that you feel like you would have the support of employers, friends and family?

Community Matters: Remy St. Clair

Charlottesville can feel stiflingly small. Or it can feel like there’s an overwhelming influx of newcomers who don’t share history or values. So, I’m always surprised and delighted when I newly meet a fellow native who is my people. Remy St. Clair has collaborated with two of my favorite co-conspirators, Lisa Green with Cville Pride and Raven with 9 Pillars Hip Hop Cultural Festival. 

Remy is warm, sweet, personable, and funny. I was struck throughout his talk about the difference of access that Black and White people face in the Charlottesville community. This town was made for people who look like me. We gots lots of middling white people art– some good, some terrible, and most just meh. Meanwhile, Black artists are trying to find some space to create that isn’t gentrified or policed by white people. Remy has been working for years to get space for Black Excellence in the arts to shine. 

Some highlights:

  • Remy talked about hip hop is healing. Hip hop is not just the music, it’s also fashion, knowledge, graffiti, and more. 
  • He said about the racial strife within Charlottesville– “It’s been dark for a while, but the dragon doesn’t have to hide his head anymore.”
  • It’s hard to get events scheduled in Charlottesville because venues say “we’re not insured to have that kind of event here.”
  • It is critically important that artists get paid for their work.